O společnosti

The company, under the title OLYMP Most s.r.o, has existed since 1996 on the market of engine production and electric stators assembly. During these years we´ve managed to build up a well-established and flexible company that can respond to all demands and requests of the market and customers.

Thanks to a long tradition, we can offer customers a high quality and rich experiences in the production and the winding of electric stators. Our products are result of assemblying of components, which are composed entirely by hand and thus achieve high quality.

In 2010 there was a marked increase in the establishment of a new facilities and staff with a consequent increase in the production capacity for an existing and new customers. Thanks to the ERASMUS funds from the EU, we can afford to hire more than 40 employees and create better working environment, which is reflected in the quality of our services and products.

Currently, we are producing and supplying all products of German companies working in the electronic field. We are open to innovations and new challenges, which give us today´s time.

Our company is situated in Most, Komorany. Map with the location of the company is here.


Vacuum impregnation

Taking into consideration the fact that impregnation is an important part of the production of elect…

Increasing of our employees´professional qualification

The company OLYMP Most s.r.o. have obtained a grant to increase a professional qualification of empl…

Our product range:

A complete production of stator winding for single phase and three phase synchronous and asynchronou…